The Incredible Shrinking Character

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Name: The Incredible Shrinking Character
Developer: Go-Go Interactive Studios
Systems: PS1, Saturn, PC
Due date: late 1996

The Incredible Shrinking Character is a cancelled PlayStation, Saturn, and PC game by Go-Go Interactive Studios.
It was to be a third-person action-adventure platformer game.


The year in 1959.
You play as Sam, a private investigator on the hunt for a powerful family's daughter, Julie Caldwell.
The prime suspect is Dr. Franklin, a mad scientist.

You pretend to apply for an assistant job in the laboratory.
Franklin foresaw your arrival and laced your business dinner with a shrinking potion
You must find the antidote before you shrink out of existence.


There are 12 levels.
Every puzzle you complete advances the game clock, shrinking you a little more.
There were around 20 puzzles to complete.

Environmental factors change as you shrink.
Bugs that used to be pests are now powerful enemies to duel.
As you shrink your range of weapons drop but the number of hiding places increases.


In 1995 anxious investors forced the publisher Cyberdreams to cater towards third party publishing rather in-house publishing.
The move would lead to Cyberdreams going defunct in 1997, taking this game down among others.


In 1997 the official Go-Go Interactive website hosted a PC demo of the game.




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